Street View 3D

Navigate smoothly through Google Street View in a reconstructed 3D scene.

Whereas traditional Street View offers panoramas from a single perspective, Street View 3D utilizes depth information to reconstruct a 3D scene. Street View 3D works with plain HTML5. There are 3D buildings in Google Earth, but this is not available for all places nor does it run in the browser.

The location can be specified in the browser's address bar by typing in the geographical coordinates, as they are found on Google Maps.

Control Keys

Use the cursor keys (arrow keys) on the right side of your keyboard to look around. Use the keys with the letters W, A, S and D to move. Press W or S to move forwards or backwards and A or D to move sideways. The next panorama will be loaded automatically while you are moving along the street.

Mobile Buttons

Mobile devices often have no keyboards. Press "Show buttons" to steer on a touch screen.


The arrows at the bottom show the directions to adjacent panoramas. The numbers on it indicate the distance.

Performance and Quality

The quality of the composed image is a tradeoff between rendering correctness and performance. If the performance is still not satisfying in your case, reduce the size of your browser window. A smaller window means higher performance. To increase the quality, switch "HQ OFF" to "HQ ON" by clicking on it.

Tested Browser compatibility

Browser compatibility was tested with: